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Maple Funding Resources

NEW! USDA Value-Added Producer Grants

The application for the Value-Added Producer Grants (VAPGs) is now available. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers these grants to help farmers create new products, expand markets, and increase their income. Approximately $30 million in total is available for this program.

You can use grant and matching funds for planning activities or for working capital expenses related to producing and marketing a value-added agricultural product. There are two levels of grant awards. Planning Grants have a maximum award of $75,000, and Working Capital Grants have a maximum award of $250,000. Both levels of grants require a one-to-one match of the grant amount.

The following entities are eligible to apply: agricultural producers or producer groups, farmer or rancher cooperatives, and majority-controlled, producer-based ventures.

USDA will accept applications until April 17th.

For more information, visit the USDA's website HERE.

Yearly Funding Resources

There is a tremendous opportunity for the Vermont Maple Industry to access funding through state agencies, the USDA, as well as non-profits committed to improving Vermont’s working landscape. We will continually share information and resources with you through how to tips, articles, grant links and partner webinars. Visit us often, bookmark key grant pages, and stay in touch!

USDA Funding Opportunities:

Rural Energy for American Programs (REAP) - Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Loans and Grants

What does this program do? The program provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements. Agricultural producers can also apply for new energy-efficient equipment and new system loans for agricultural production and processing.

Who can apply? Agricultural producers with at least 50 percent of their gross income coming from agricultural operations. Small businesses in eligible rural areas.

How do I start?
Get in touch with Farm Credit to make them aware you’re interested in applying. Discuss your needs and timeline. (see below for contact information)
2. Contact an Energy Auditor (a requirement of the REAP grant) - they’ll audit your operation and give you a report showing a snapshot of your business today and a snapshot of the energy you’ll save with your intended upgrades. Let them know you intend to apply for a REAP grant!
3. Follow the intake form and document needs form as you partner with Farm Credit on the next steps

For all documents related to this grant please visit the following link: REAP Grant PDF

Farm Credit East Contact
Heather LaPierre, Grant Coordinator
394 State Route 29, Greenwich, NY 12834-2650

For even MORE grant opportunities through REAP, visit:

REAP Value Added Producer Grants


Natural Resources Conservation Service Funding (NRCS)

NRCS assists sugar makers by providing conservation technical assistance (it all starts with a walk in the woods!). This assistance can lead to funding through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) under the Farm Bill or Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). NRCS conservationists work with landowners and managers to implement energy and forestry conservation practices on the farm. Examples of how NRCS can help upgrade inefficient equipment with more efficient technology includes reverse osmosis (RO), evaporators, and high efficiency pre-heaters. Other funding recipients have received support to make their lands more resilient to weather events and erosion.

The program funds a wide variety of projects from equipment to land management - call your Vermont representatives today to learn more. Better yet, find your Farm Services Agency office (FSA) by clicking HERE and tap into important support for your working lands!

Luis Aponte
Assistant State Conservationist for Partnerships

Trevor Saylor
Public Affairs Specialist

Your local USDA Service Centers are designed to be a single location where customers can access the services provided by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Rural Development agencies. 

VMSMA hosted a webinar with Luis and Trevor from NRCS on June 25, 2024. You can watch that recording here.

Efficiency Vermont Rebates:

Efficiency Vermont wants to help reduce sugar maker energy usage and/or fuel consumption - resulting in benefits for the land and for your operation. 

They currently have rebates for maple equipment including Reverse Osmosis systems, Variable Frequency Drives (with Vacuum Pumps) and Efficient Sap Preheating. These rebates can be accessed through the Efficiency Vermont website or give them a call at (888) 921-5990 to receive one on one assistance. 


Agency of Agriculture and State Grants: 

First things first, if you have never applied for a grant with VAAFM, you will want to register for access to their web grants portal. You can find their online form here: Registration can take a few days, so it’s best to register ahead of time, in anticipation of future applications. 

Each grant program is generally announced with a “Request for Applications” (RFA). While usually a lengthy document, it’s always an important read to understand who is eligible for each program, the associated timelines and the purpose of the funding. These RFAs are shared well in advance of the application deadlines in order to give you time to review them and ask any questions you might have, and still submit your application on time. You can find the annual calendar of funding opportunities on VAAFM’s website:

Working Lands Grants:

The Working Lands Enterprise Board (WLEB) announced 51 awards to working lands businesses and organizations in 2024. The $2,329,561 in awards will support those who are earning a living off the land.

To view the 2024 receipts, visit:

“The challenges the farm and forest economy sectors face are significant, which is why my Administration continues to prioritize investments in the rural regions of our state,” said Governor Phil Scott. “These awards are important to growing our economy and making it more affordable for those working the land.”

In the upcoming fiscal year 2025, $1 million will be available for agriculture and forest businesses and organizations. Applications will open in the fall, and include the following:

Business Enhancement Grants
The Business Enhancement Grants program will open in the fall. Award amounts are generally $20,000 - $35,000 for successful applicants with project areas in market development, research and development, infrastructure development, energy, and workforce training and development. Individual businesses with a variety of structures (sole proprietorship, corporations, LLCs, etc) are eligible to apply. In the last round of Business Enhancement Grants, eligible projects included market development, research and development, infrastructure development, energy-focused projects, and workforce training and development with $450,000 in available funding. You can find more about these grants here:

Trade Show Assistance Grants
Are you a sugar maker who sells wholesale and is looking to grow your out-of-state business through trade show exhibits? VAAFM offers 50% matching grants between $2,000 and $5,000 to assist with travel and accommodation expenses, booth design and marketing assets, registration fees, booth fees, and other costs. You can find more details on the VAAFM website: 

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBG)
Annually, the Agency offers a competitive grant program to disburse SCBG funds. Where do these funds come from? The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). AMS offers programs and services that create marketing opportunities for U.S. producers of food, fiber and specialty crops (maple is considered a specialty crop). AMS awards Specialty Crop Block Grants to Vermont (and the other 54 states, territories and the District of Columbia) and VAAFM administers the funding. Any business, organization, or individual can apply to the Vermont SCBG Program, but projects must benefit more than one specialty crop business, organization or individual to be eligible. You can find more about these grants here:

Other Grants and Assistance through Vermont Agencies
There are a whole host of other funding opportunities that are not specific to maple, but might fit your operation - including barn preservation (for barns older than 50 years) and diesel emissions reduction. You can find information on those opportunities through links on VAAFM’s website here:

Agency Contacts:

Madison Berry
Specialty Crop Program Coordinator
Contact for Specialty Crop & Maple ADG

Clare Salerno
Working Lands Program Coordinator
Contact for all Working Lands Grants



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