2023 1st Annual VMSMA Vermont Maple Contest Winners
Best in Class Awards:
• Maple Cream: Paul Palmer, Palmer Lane Maple, Jericho, VT
• Golden Color with Delicate Taste Syrup: Glenn & Ruth Goodrich, Goodrich’s Maple Farm, Cabot, VT
• Amber Color with Rich Taste Syrup: Pam & Rich Green, Green’s Sugarhouse, Poultney, VT
• Dark Color with Robust Taste Syrup: Pam & Rich Green, Green’s Sugarhouse, Poultney, VT
Best in Show Award:
• Golden Color with Delicate Taste Syrup: Glenn & Ruth Goodrich, Goodrich’s Maple Farm, Cabot, VT
Event Rules for 2024:
It's time to bring your best syrup and cream to this year's Annual Member Meeting!
VMSMA members, now is your time to shine! Bring your best samples of golden, amber and dark syrup along with maple cream and join our state-wide competition.
We have a fantastic panel of judges (including the venerable Henry Marckres) ready to sample and present awards. Bragging rights, blue ribbons and a best of show prize will be awarded. The best of show winner will have a chance to sell their product at VMSMA’s Big E booth this fall and will receive a one-of-a-kind Maple Road Sign to use forever after to advertise their award-winning products!
Rules of Competition
1. The VMSMA Maple Syrup and Cream contest will kick off in December of 2024.
2. All submissions are for the day of our annual meeting! Please deliver all entries by no later then 9:30 am to Conant Hall, room 101, at the Vermont Technical College Campus in Randolph, VT.
3. The 2024 contest will include a winner for each of these syrup grades: Golden Color - Delicate Taste, Amber Color – Rich Taste, and Dark Color – Robust Taste as well as Maple Cream.
4. “Outstanding” Blue Ribbons will be awarded to the best syrups in each grade and the best maple cream. One entrant will be chosen as superior in quality for their syrup or cream and will be given a “Best of Show" award. The "Best of Show" recipient will be invited to sell their product at the VMSMA Big E Booth this year and will receive a one of a kind VMSMA Maple Open House road sign reflecting their 2024 Best in Show win (to use forever and ever).
5. All maple syrup entries require at least one-pint containers for delivery. We will transfer your syrup to unlabeled glass containers for judging. All maple syrup entries must be graded ahead of time by the entrant. Contest entrants must be members of VMSMA.
6. No more than one entry per class, per farm, will be accepted.
7. Entry Tags: Tags will be completed by the contestant between 8am and 8:30am. Entry tags will be available at Conant Hall Room 101. Entry tags must be completed by the producer. VMSMA assumes no responsibility for error by producers. All entries become the property of VMSMA and no containers or dishes can be returned to the producer. Syrup containers will not be returned.
8. Awards will be presented after lunch at the annual meeting. Please be present for this ceremony!