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Woods VT Syrup Co.

As it stands, our sugarbush has 7000 taps running on a sap line and vacuum system. We use a reverse osmosis machine and a steam away to cut down our boiling time. About half of our harvested syrup runs directly from the pan into bourbon barrels from Tuthilltown Distillery. The rest of our syrup is used for our other products. The business is operated by just a few people: Me, my parents, my sister, and our friend Sue. I'm able to get my nieces and sons to help sometimes too. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the most important member of my team, and if there's an MVP here, it's the land the trees grow on. A rich inheritance defined by grit, work-ethic, stewardship, and connection with the Land, made me who I am today. I was taught how to produce maple when I was young by my father and his father.
Footer Logo 100% Pure and Natural Vermont Maple Syrup