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Nebraska Knoll Sugar Farm

Each spring since 1980 we, the Coty family, have tapped sugar maple trees in the foothills of Mt. Mansfield. The mountainside sugarbush slopes up from Nebraska Valley, six miles from the village of Stowe. Visitors are welcome year-round (all wheel drive recommended in winter). Our retail room featuring maple products for sale and a display of photos and artifacts is open 10 to 5 daily. The Nebraska Knoll "terroir" - the unique quality of our syrup - derives from the soil, the weather on the knoll, and the blend of traditional and modern practices particular to the Coty style of sugar making.
Sugarmaker Details
  • Open All Year
  • Retail
  • Mail Order
Maple Products Offered
  • Maple cream
  • Maple syrup
  • Maple sugar
  • Maple candy
Footer Logo 100% Pure and Natural Vermont Maple Syrup